31st Fairfield Art Prize 2024
Fairfield City Art Society Inc.
Please read carefully

        Entry to the Fairfield Art Society Prize Exhibition is open to all Australian artists domiciled in NSW. FAS members         will  get a discount. (Please click here for membership application.Discount applies for members current as at         30th September2024)
        No artwork is eligible for more than one prize and/or award.

        Only online entry forms are accepted. Closing date for  entries is Friday 25 October 2024 12.00am (AEST)

        Entries must be the original work of the artist and must NOT have been entered in any previous competitive         exhibition organised by the Fairfield City Art Society.

        All Entry Fees are Non-Refundable. 

        We reserve the right not to display any artworks with political and/or religious content, or artworks depicting        
        offensive nudity. No correspondence will be entered into.

        Size of the actual artwork, width and height (and depth for 3D works) must be on entry form. Maximum size         including frame 1.6 m x 1.6 m. 3-D Works must be accompanied with own plinth and must not weigh more 10kg.

        Works can be any medium. 
        All artworks (except youth entries) must be for sale. A 20% commission to the FAIRFIELD CITY ART SOCIETY         will  be deducted on artworks sold during the exhibition at the prices shown on the entry form. 

        Artworks purchased during the exhibition are be collected at the conclusion of the exhibition.

        All reasonable care will be taken with all art-works submitted.However,no responsibility will be taken for loss or         damage. It is the artist's responsibility to insure his/her own art-works against theft, fire, and accidental damage or         loss.

        Each entry must be accompanied by the relevant payment. Youth entries are free.

        All Fees payable to Fairfield City Art Society Inc.by:

         1. Direct transfer to bank account:
            BSB: 062217 
            Acc No: 10340711

         *Payment reference FAS then Surname & Initials, eg:FASJonesJA
        *Receipt of payment made by bank transfer must be emailed to 

         Cheques or cash are not accepted except if deposited at a bank branch to our bank account.

        FAS reserves the right to use the digital images of artworks entered in the prize for the purposes of publicity,         documentation, digital and electronic formats. FAS will make appropriate acknowledgements.

        The Judge(s) will see each artwork entered and award the prizes. They may also award commendations. The         judges' decision is final and no correspondence shall be entered into.

         Maximum number of entries two artworks per adult artist one entry per youth.

        Entry fees:

        Members - First entry free (Annual membership fee of $20 or $15 (pensioner), must be paid before midnight on 30                             September 2024). Second entry $35
        Non-members -  entry fee $35 per entry
        Youth entry - Free

        Awarding of prizes in all categories is subject to there being a minimum five participants in the category.              If there are not enough entries in a particular section, additional prizes may be awarded in other sections. 


Open Adult Section

    Best-in-show, Any Medium: $2,000

                                                                                        First Prize:          Second Prize         Third Prize  

                                             Traditional:                             $1,000                    $600                    $300

                                             Contemporary:                       $1,000                    $600                    $300

                                             Works on Paper:                     $1,000                   $600                    $300

  Fairfield Local Artist Prize: $1,000
(To be eligible for this award, artist must be resident of the Fairfield LGA)

Encouragement Award: $300

All of the above prizes sponsored by Club Marconi

Peter Adrian Markwick Memorial Art Prize: $500

  Sponsored by Roger Markwick & Therese Doyle and Gregory Young
Awarded for an artistic work of high quality, in any medium, which depicts in a sympathetic manner the issue of mental well-being.

Youth Section

(Youth are entrants who have not had their 19th birthday by Sunday 27th October 2024

    ​Ten prizes of $50 each sponsored by Fairfield City Council 



Fairfield City Art Society Inc.
Important Dates

Monday 30th September 2024: Closing date for membership applications attracting one free entry.

Friday 25th October 2024: Closing date for entries.

Sunday 27th October 2024: 2.00pm to 6.00pm Handing-in of Artworks
Location: Club Marconi Reception Area

Presentation night function: Thursday 31st October 2024 7.00pm for 7.30pm 
Location: Club Marconi Bocce Area

Sunday 10th November 2024: 3.00-6.00pm: Pick-up of artworks​.
​Location: Club Marconi Bocce Area